Joanne N

Hi, My name is Joanne, and I am the Program Manager for Tots2Teens Albury Wodonga.

I am supported by my husband John (Paramedic and Teacher), my son Harrison (14 years old) and my daughter Caitlin (9 years old). Their constant love, support and help keeps me on the road that I am on in helping to make someone’s life that little bit easier.

I have over 29 years in Nursing experience, and my expertise and love are in the areas of Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol. I have been privileged to work in Nolan House for 7 years, Albury Community Mental Health for 3 years and Benambra for over 5 years.

I now work as a Care and Recovery worker in the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) area and love every moment of it. I am able to walk side by side with individuals as they overcome the most extreme emotional, physical and psychological situations and traumas. What a privileged job I have.

This has allowed me hands on experience with working with individuals who are struggling and needing support to get back on their feet. For-filling their basic needs is the first step to making their lives more bearable and turning a bad situation into a good memory.

So my thoughts of helping in the most positive way were born. I started Tots2Teens Albury Wodonga to support children who are in a situation that is outside their control. It allows me, along with generous members of our community, to provide a care pack with all the essential items needed to enter a new place feeling “loved, cared for and special”.

​These families don’t ask to be homeless, in domestic violent situations or going into foster care, and it is a time that we as a community step up and support them to make the most unbearable situation bearable. I always say:-

“I can’t change the situation but I can change the memory……………”


When asked recently “why would you want to do charity work when you work with these people all day long?”.

The answer was very easy,  “why wouldn’t I want to make their journey a little easier if I had the ability to do so”.