Silent Sponsors and their stories

I am going to share with our group some of the SILENT SPONSORS that have allowed Tots2teens to function over the years. Julie Duncan and her husband Ron, have been avid followers since Tots2teens started over 5 years ago. Julie and Ron live in Flinders (Sydney way), and between the two of them, have helped to save Tots2teens thousands of dollars in Postage of items. I will go crazy on buying things in Sydney, Julie will go and pick the items up from the depo, and then Ron will fill his truck with the items and bring them down to me meeting in Albury. All it costs us is a coffee and time, and both I absolutely love to give to this couple. ❤️ And in Julies spare time (because she has so much with a family, grandkids, husband working away, running her own charity things,), she knits for us, buys items that we need, and provides any other service that she feels would be helpful. To say I wouldn’t be this far without this couple is not an understatment. Julie has been at the end of the phone when I am at my wits end, Ron has gone out of his way many times to accommodate us, and between them, they have been a rock to which I have built my foundations. Circumstances have changed for Ron and he is now with a new truck company and doing things a little differently. But I know that the bond we have built will remain strong, and although he may not be a “Tots2teens Truckie” any more, he will make every effort to have coffee with me when he is in town, and I will eventually make it to Sydney to spend time with their amazing family. We as a group, and me as a person, are blessed to have these amazing individuals as part of the “village”. Love you both xxxx