Rent to run

Storage King Wodonga has been a main sponsor of Tots2teens Albury Wodonga and Surrounds, from providing us with a free storage unit for 12 months (Mike and Laury), to a largely subsidised bigger unit for 2 years (Kylie and Laury), and now 3 units for half price (Phil and Jamie).

They also cover the cost of insurance and assist with the pick up items by Organisational staff. All of this together, is a huge weight of the shoulders of the Tots2teens volunteers, as we know that we have the full support of Storage King in making this charity work.

Once a year we run a “Monthly Rent Sponsors” day and try to gain 12 months of rent, $400 per month, in 24 hours to keep us running for the next 12 months. It will be run in February 2022 after the Christmas season is over and people are back at work. Keep your eyes peeled to be one of the lucky donors to grab a month!

Bendigo Bank – Tots2Teens Albury Wodonga.
BSB : 633000
Account : 161721576

Tots2teens Albury Wodonga is a Tax Concession Charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.