Damien Loiterton

My role is a supervisor at the Wangaratta Police station.  On occasion we have had cause to utilise resources provided by tots2teens.  On numerous occasions we have had victims, offenders, witnesses attend at the station often in company of their young children.  It is often difficult to interview, take statements or engage in general conversation with the parties whilst children are present.  Tots2teens have provided the police station with child friendly activity bags which can be provided to the children on arrival.  The packs contain toys, activities, hygiene products and a small surprise which alleviates any distress the children may be under and also an activity to entertain themselves whilst adults are in at the police station.  They are a valuable resource and often make the experience less daunting for those who receive them.  Both uniform and investigative units are aware of other services that tots2teens offer to persons in need. Many thanks to tots2 teens for their assistance.